Ensuring your child has everything they need to grow and thrive after an Illinois divorce is about more than finances. The disruption to his life may leave him feeling lost and helpless, often resulting in uncontrolled anger and frustration. Emotional support during the divorce and in the weeks and months that follow is a critical component for helping him adapt to a new way of life.
KidsHealth reports emotional support that includes one-on-one time with each parent can provide comfort despite changes in the family dynamics. Even if you and your ex still disagree about the financial aspect of child support, regularly scheduled visits can help your child cope with your split. Here are some tips that can help him feel more confident.
Say I love you
He needs to know you love him. Although it may seem obvious to you, he may not understand. Make sure he knows that both you and your ex love him no matter what. Ask him about his concerns and encourage him to talk about his fears and anxieties. Saying I love you often can help alleviate the worry about the changes in his family and give him emotional support when he needs it the most.
Help him feel at home
If your child spent most of his time with his other parent up to this point, he might feel uncomfortable alone with you. Express an interest in his day, from schoolwork to friends and activities. This can help him open up and share, which may help him adjust to his new routine.
Changing from one family home to two can feel awkward. Make sure he has familiar items in his new home, such as toys and clothing, including pajamas. The new house may feel more like home faster if he has his belongings waiting for him there.
Having financial support is crucial to your child’s health. Your love and emotional support are essential to his well-being. If you and your ex cannot agree on child support and custody, the court might take the decision away from you and mandate both.