These days parents in the Tinley Park area have options when it comes to child custody. Some may assume that, as in days past, it is inevitable that one parent will get sole custody and the other parent will have visitation (parenting time) rights. Or, even if parents share joint custody, the child will still be shuttled back and forth between households.
However, what parents may want to consider is an alternative to traditional child custody options: nesting. In a nesting arrangement, it is the children who remain in the family home, and the parents take turns residing with them during their allotted parenting time. When it is not their time with their child, they will reside in a separate home or apartment.
Nesting has some advantages. According to some, children will experience more stability if they are not bouncing back and forth between households. This could help the child adjust to life post-divorce. In addition, it can make it easier for parents to have one place where all the child’s belongings are, rather than having to double-up on supplies or ensure the child brings with them all the clothing, school supplies and other necessities.
However, there are some things to think about before jumping into a nesting arrangement. First, it entails a good deal of cooperation. Parents will have to divide household chores and expenses as they see fit and agree on household rules. Good communication and mutual respect are essential for nesting to be successful. If a divorce is particularly acrimonious, and parents cannot be on good terms with one another following the split, nesting might not work.
Ultimately, children need to feel safe and secure following a major transition such as divorce. Sometimes keeping them in the familiar family home through nesting works well, while other times more traditional child custody and parenting time plans are better options. Each family’s situation is unique, so it can help to work with a professional who can explain all your options before making the decision that you feel is in the best interests of your child.